1.2. What does a LAMMPS version mean
The LAMMPS “version” is the date when it was released, such as 1 May 2014. LAMMPS is updated continuously, and we aim to keep it working correctly and reliably at all times. Also, several variants of static code analysis are run regularly to maintain or improve the overall code quality, consistency, and compliance with programming standards, best practices and style conventions. You can follow its development in a public git repository on GitHub.
Each version of LAMMPS contains all the documented features up to and including its version date. For recently added features, we add markers to the documentation at which specific LAMMPS version a feature or keyword was added or significantly changed.
1.2.1. Identifying the Version
The version date is printed to the screen and log file every time you run LAMMPS. There also is an indication, if a LAMMPS binary was compiled from version with modifications after a release. It is also visible in the file src/version.h and in the LAMMPS directory name created when you unpack a downloaded tarball. And it is on the first page of the manual.
If you browse the HTML pages of the online version of the LAMMPS manual, they will by default describe the most current feature release version of LAMMPS. In the navigation bar on the bottom left, there is the option to view instead the documentation for the most recent stable version or the documentation corresponding to the state of the development branch.
If you browse the HTML pages included in your downloaded tarball, they describe the version you have, which may be older than the online version.